Inmóvil La Madremonte

This weeks Illustration Friday is Immovable, I have decided to illustrate one of my favorite childhood bedtime stories La Madremonte (or Mother Earth).. My Grandfather would tell me never to go out to the mountain alone because la madremonte will kidnap me and I will never see my family again.. Its one of many different Colombian legends that exist to scare little children but I believe they are also were there to protect them.. I remember in the 80s Colombia was a very violent and dangerous during the Guerrilla Warfare by the F.A.R.C., E.L.N. and other military insurgent groups. Pretty sure that my grandfather wanted me to stay put and not wonder off into the vast mountain to be lost forever..

Esta semana el tema en Illustration Friday es inamovible, ilustrado uno de mis cuentos favoritos de la infancia La Madremonte.. Mi abuelo me decía que nunca debo ir a la montaña sola, porque la Madremonte me secuestran y nunca volver a mi familia otra vez .. Es una de muchas de las leyendas colombianas que existen para asustar a los niños pero creo que también estaban allí para protegerlos. Recuerdo que en los años 80 Colombia fue muy violento y peligroso durante la guerra de guerrillas de las FARC, el ELN y otros grupos insurgentes. Mi abuelo quería que me quedara quieta.


Jurgen Walschot said...


Unknown said...

what a fantastic illustation and a great piece of writing to go with it - fantastic

Eiki Iwamura (Young Hee Huh) said...

This is cool illustration! I love it!

k.h.whitaker said...

really lovely and creative

Sandra Lucia said...

Thanks everyone!

Linda Hensley said...

Beautiful. I like the way she is part of the mountain.

Bobo said...

very creative and so beautifully done!

Sandra Lucia said...

Thank you! :D